Monday, February 15, 2016


Suicide is one thing I can’t understand why some people would want to do. I realize that this is a really tough world that we live in and at the rate that it’s changing it will get worse. I also realize that someone with a weak mind would not want to live in what this world has become. And I also realize they may have gotten themselves into some trouble either by their own fault or not. Some people will not turn to anyone for help to solve whatever trouble that they got into, so they decide that suicide is the answer.

Well, according to the Bible, if you think that by committing suicide it is going to solve your problem, you had better forget it. According to the Bible you will suffer for your decision for eternity in the afterlife. According to one of the commandments given to Moses by God, it states “Ye shalt not commit murder”. By committing suicide, you are committing murder by killing yourself. The church of God preaches that if you commit murder your soul would be incinerated and never exist again and that is referred to as your second death. So to me that kind of statement means that you are reborn again and I don’t mean in religion but as another human. If you live your life as the 10 commandments say, there is a good chance of getting into Heaven by having those commandments as your guide all your life.

Instead of thinking of suicide, why not take a peek in a Bible and see what they say about suicide? I can guarantee that by reading the Bible you will not get hurt. The only thing that can happen is a person can learn how to live properly and prepare for the afterlife and be entered in the Book of Life apparently that God has for when Judgement Day comes.

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