Wednesday, November 25, 2015

American politics

I’ve been interested in American politics since I’ve started to read about them. That's a few years now. Before I go any further let me point out that I don’t believe everything that is reported or on the internet unless there is a video of the person doing what is reported. If for some reason or other there are no videos on what is being reported I will surf the different sites to see if the same thing or something similar is being reported elsewhere just to see if there could be some truth to what is reported.

These days you can’t believe everything that is reported. By checking the different sites like I do I can find out if what is reported is not the imagination or perhaps too much embellishment of a reporter just to make his/her reporting more attractive to the reader.

I have all the time in the world to read, as I’m retired with nothing else to do. I surf the internet and being interested in American politics, I keep on checking this blogger at Nonsensible Shoes. This blogger seems to have a good knowledge of American politics and that’s why I read it every day. The reason I have taken interest in American politics is because here in Canada politics are drab and in the USA it seems to be a madhouse. There are contradictions to everything that a person says whether it be from a politician or just a plain ordinary citizen. It all seems to be a war of words from what I can deduct.

To my concern that is the site that should be checked if you want to know about politics in the USA, because on that site what you read is what it is and no bull. Now this blogger to me it seems that this blogger would be an ex-politician from the USA or a person from Canada but reading and listening to every bit of news that he can find.

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