Here is a good example of the destruction and killings that religion can be blamed for. The Israelites are being persecuted for their faith. Now we all know that we can’t trust the media for telling us the truth, but when they come out with videos that shows what goes on, then it can’t be denied.
These people are being bombarded with rockets day and night. Now they decided to defend themselves by hitting back to try to stop Hamas from targeting them. They are being blamed for killing civilians but if Hamas hide behind civilians like Israel claims, then those civilians could be part of Hamas, or followers of Hamas. able to defend itself.Even if they are innocent, non-Hamas people, they are shielding Hamas - willingly or not. Israel has to be able to defend itself.
Videos have been shown of some people (civilians) cheering Hamas on as they were firing rockets towards Israel. What really gets me is Israel is getting blamed for retaliation against Hamas while Hamas are using kids and woman as their reason for wanting Israel to stop What is Israel supposed to do? Just run for cover and let the rockets come? And if any kids or the woman in Israel get killed I guess they don’t matter is that it?